Linux Basics - Commands, File System, Users & Permissions

60 Days DevOps Challenge: Day 1

Challenge 1: List all files (including hidden ones) in your home directory and sort them by modification time.

Goal: Learn how to list files with detailed information and sort them by modification time.

Challenge 2: Create a directory named devops_challenge_Day1, navigate into it, and create an empty file named day1.txt.

Goal: Practice creating directories and files and navigating the filesystem.

Challenge 3: Find the total disk usage of the /var/log directory in human-readable format.

Goal: Understand how to check disk usage of directories in a readable format.

Challenge 4: Create a new user called devops_user and add them to the sudo group.

Goal: Learn how to create users and grant them administrative privileges.

Challenge 5: Create a group called devops_team and add devops_user to that group.

Goal: Understand how to create groups and manage user group memberships.

Challenge 6: Change the permissions of day1.txt to allow only the owner to read and write, but no permissions for others.

Goal: Learn how to modify file permissions to control access.

Challenge 7: Find all files in /etc that were modified in the last 7 days.

Goal: Practice using the find command to locate files based on modification time.

Challenge 8: Write a one-liner command to find the most frequently used command in your shell history.

Goal: Learn how to analyze shell history to identify frequently used commands.

Topics Covered Today

  • Basic Shell Commands: cd, ls, cat

  • Filesystem Hierarchy: /etc, /var, /home

  • File Permissions: chmod, chown, ls -l

  • Users & Groups: Creating users, managing groups, assigning permissions